20 years... is a long span...
well im 20 years old...or should i say young.....
looking bak.....i see dat ..... so much has changed...
i used to think i was the only one in the world .... who was real.... everything around me was made up...for my believing.......I used to think children were born after marriage just like dat....(now i know "dat aint true alright"... lol)...
i had a different perception on god....on religion....on politics...on every thing.....
i though there was no such thing as evil or good...
i din know dat"not everyone who shits on u is ur enemy...and...
not everyone who takes you out of shit is ur friend"...
i knew not bak then that...girls would become cuter and would play hard to get in real time......
peeping under skirts was played off as a joke...now its blue eye'able.....
we learnt wat we should do and what not...we lost our freedom and gained some as well...
we were taught ...hate not thy neighbour....
but now...i dont mind if he dies.....ill have t compete with one less of a person...
i never...thought love would hurt.....
couldnt believe the lyrics of common Pyaar filled hindi songs...till i came t realization and it dawned upon me.....dat shit is real ...
status and stature..came into existance out of nowhere....
thought every one was the same...but i was wrong....
corruption started from birth...we learned t hate.......
Never thought people could fake so much to gain a little...
as i wind up i see...
'nothing has changed....only now i know that there are things that i did not know of...they just came into existence 4 me.....'